Think Local – Act Global

Think Local – Act Global

European Spallation Source ERIC Logistics Department invited nearby companies Tetra PakAxis Communications and Graphic Packaging International – Europe to a visit at ESS for an open discussion about hands-on cooperation in the field of logistics – all under the RI.Logistica flagg.
Geographically closely located to each other, the purpose was to see if we could set innovative thinking into practice that could have a social economic impact in areas like;

・Knowledge exchange
・Cost savings
・Reducing the environmental footprint
・Benchmark of hard- and software solutions

The discussion resulted in different actions that we will continue to explore and to see were the collaboration can take us!  The meeting held at European Spallation Source ERIC by Elin Boldt, Cassandra Waad and Jörgen Larssonwas a good start. We start locally with the aim to take the Best Practice onwards among our members!

RI.Logistica strive to build a bridge between Industry and RIs to learn from each other and implement the best possible solutions.

Thank you: József SzlanyinaBo MalmströmLeo Betschart for your time and we look forward to continuing the work!


Picture from the right: Jörgen Larsson, József Szlanyina, Bo Malmström, Leo Betschart,
Cassandra Waad and Elin Boldt.