
RI.Logistica is about “Getting Science in PLACE!” by supporting research infrastructures (RIs) with optimising logistics so that they can focus on their core business of providing scientific results.

Our mission

Our mission

RI.Logistica will support research infrastructures in developing in-house expertise that will allow them to address any logistical challenge by building on well-established processes deployed and tested by the industrial world.

In research, these challenges may vary from the shipment of tiny samples invisible to the naked eye, to transportation of vaccines under strict temperature conditions, and moving of giant scientific equipment across continents. 

The purpose of doing this
is in threefold

Saving tax payers money

Increasing efficiency

Creating standards

Providing tools, infrastructure and standards

Creating standardised, harmonised, digitalised forms used by RIs that users only need to fill in one time per shipment the initiating parties wish to achieve the following objectives by means of collaboration: