October 2022

Meeting with UNICEF

Last Friday our Vice Chair Jörgen Larsson visited Mr Jean-Cedric Meeus, Head of UNICEF Supply Division in Denmark, to discuss a potential collaboration related to transportation. A collaboration like this is one of the core goals of our association, to collaborate and not re-invent the wheel. Stay tuned and follow us on LinkedIn to get the […]

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Ri. Logistica at the Big Science Business Forum 2022 

Ri. Logistica attended the Big Science Business Forum 2022 in Granada, sponsored by 4PL CENTRAL STATION NORDIC AB and Marsh to reach out to new members! Ri.Logistica networked with Industry and BigScience. Great discussions took place, and many new opportunities for collaboration came to light! Our goal of introducing our Association to Big Science was reached, and we are now looking forward

Ri. Logistica at the Big Science Business Forum 2022  Read More »

The Ri.Logistica Association is now official!

Memorable day for RI.Logistica! On the 5th of October 2022 we selected the board of directors, Chairwoman Kitty Fritz-Nielen, Vice Chair Jörgen Larsson and board members Jimmy Binderup Andersen, Jonas Gyllenhak and Jan Lundin. The Ri.Logistica Association is now official! Together with our founding members CERN, European Spallation Source ERIC, European XFEL and Fusion for

The Ri.Logistica Association is now official! Read More »