RI.Logistica + DGM

Press Release 25-04-2024


At Research Infrastructures (RIs) dangerous goods are a common challenge, both within the

day-to-day operations and during construction and deconstruction. In other words,

throughout the lifecycle of any RI, the theme is ever present and need to continuously be

addressed and managed. If it is a sample that has become radioactive from the scientific

trials or if it is an embedded lithium battery in a computer, the rules and procedures need to

be followed.


In support of our members, RI. Logistica has entered a partnership with Dangerous Goods

Management Group (DGM), one of the world’s largest Dangerous Goods services providers.

DGM offers comprehensive solutions for the safe worldwide transport of dangerous goods.

Their operational services, include packing, marking, labelling, documentation, handling, as

well as training, consultancy, auditing, and product sales.


CEO of RI. Logistica, Mr Jimmy Binderup Andersen explains “Our partnership with DGM

enables us to offer help and support to our members with a wide palette of dangerous goods

services. I am keen to explore the synergies and opportunities together with DGM for the

benefit of all our members.”

The President of DGM, Mr Michael Tesch add “I am certain that we can add significant value to

the current and future members of RI. Logistica. Based on our substantial industrial

experience, we can ensure some optimised and holistic solutions for research infrastructures.

We are looking forward to engaging with this exciting segment.”

The partnering agreement ensures priority in the services requested at the lowest price, that

each location can offer, with insurance coverage up to 17.5 million euros and full legal

responsibly from the shipments prepared by DGM.


Further information:

For DGM: www.dgm.world

For RI. Logistica: www.rilogistica.eu

Questions: info@rilogistics.eu
