We have developed the RI.Logistica Logistic Health & Maturity Check. The tool will help identify areas where RIs can learn from each other as well as identify best practice. The graph shows the performance of the logistic department, displaying its strengths and areas that could benefit from best practice solutions from other RIs.
The Logistic Health & Maturity Check provides a foundation for discussions and thorough understanding how the RIs operate. It helps us find the most efficient way of working and can be implemented among other RIs.
The process is simple – The analyse is done on an individual basis within the logistics department, the result sent via email to info@rilogistica.eu who will return with a meeting booking with feedback on the result – RI.Logistica aims to find the best practice solutions for all RIs.
By analyzing the result and identifying areas for improvement, together we will get the opportunity to continue to enhance performance. By collectively focusing on finding and implementing the best solutions for various logistical challenges, we can consistently achieve results and contribute to the overall success.
Let us help you find out the status of your logistic maturity – please contact us!